Friday, April 29, 2016

How to cure Dry Lips

Lips are so soft and delicate. Our lips don’t secrete natural oil so that why these requires moisture from external sources. If we don’t take care of our lips then these get dry and make us look ugly. Generally lower lip gets dry more often than upper lip and it causes dead skin layer. Keep your body hydrated by drinking water and fruit juices.
Apply petroleum jelly. This provide enough moisture.

Mix lemon and honey in equal amount and apply the mixture before going to sleep.
After brushing your teeth, gently rub your lips with toothbrush. This will remove dead skin.
Massage your lips with almond oil or coconut oil before going to sleep.
Heat up one teaspoon of pure ghee(clarified butter) and add 4 – 5 strands of saffron in to it. Leave it to get cool. Use this as lip balm regularly. This remedy will bring back your childhood lip colour within 2 weeks.

Keep your lips moist and do not drink anything too hot or too cold. Use good quality lip products, it is best if you use herbal products.