Thursday, April 21, 2016

Remedies For Common Cold

This post contains the home remedies for common cold. It’s a seasonal disease and spread rapidly when we come in contact with the infected person. Prevention is better than the cure, but if somehow you get infected then try these remedies at home. These will definitely give you relief.

1: Mix dry ginger powder and jaggery in equal amount. Take it twice a day to cure running nose or cold. If you have cough then take one teaspoon of ginger juice and honey mixed in equal amount.

2: Black pepper powder, ginger extract and basil extract mixed with honey taken 2-3 times a day cures cold.

3: Eating half spoon of fresh turmeric powder and drinking hot milk for 2 – 3 days helps to overcome common cold.

4: Taking garlic cloves boiled with milk helps to cure sneeze or cold.

5: Drinking hot water with lemon juice and honey before going to bed. It helps cure running nose and cold.
6: Mix cinnamon powder in honey and lick this paste. It helps in cold and cough.

7: Inhale from right nose and exhale from left nose. Do this exercise 20 times after short periods. This will maintain the body temperature and give you relief.

Drink lots of fluids such as water and juices. Water is the best remedy. Use cold or warm steam inhalation to dissolve the dry mucus and relieve chest congestion. In case of soreness of throat, do gargles with warm water mixed with a tinge of salt.

Do not smoke or drink alcohol while you are from a cold infection. Do not starve yourself during a cold infection. Do not use antibiotics without visit to doctor.